Sunday, September 28, 2008


In Venezuela we have very good coffee. We are next to Colombia and they have the best coffee in the world. I think we had copied the skills of the Colombian coffee. In Venezuela everybody drink a lot of it. People is use to drink coffee every morning with the breakfast. In workshops everybody have a cup of coffee, also we have places to drink coffee like star bucks. However I don’t like any kind of coffee. I don’t like the flavor and I don’t like hot drinks. I prefer to drink tea but in Venezuela we are not use to drink unsweet ice tea. The only thing that we have in restaurants that is similar than tea is something called “Nestea” and is a kind of soda without sparkles. When I go to a restaurant and I want an ice tea I have to order a hot tea with a glass of ice. I like ice tea because is not strong like coffee and I think is better for your health. I like any kind of tea especially the red tea that I tasted when I was in Egypt. I didn’t remember the name of the flower to make that tea but was amazing. I like chamomile tea and green tea too. You don’t have to cry for me Anna I like tea.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Red tea is amazing. I love it too.
I'm glad you like tea too! To tears here.